

7 月 2024

令人兴奋的消息 – Evergreen Café 开业!

我们很高兴地宣布 Evergreen 咖啡馆已开业。他们的厨师和咖啡师已经准备好了,他们渴望与大家见面。

7 月 2024

BestStart Park Green 即将开业

我们很高兴地宣布,新的 BestStart 幼儿教育中心将成为 Park Green 邻里中心的一部分,并有望于 2025 年第一季度开业

4 月 2024


以社区为重点,Park Green 很高兴地宣布,新的幼儿教育中心 (ECE) 将成为 Park Green 邻里中心的一部分。

4 月 2024



3 月 2024


诚挚地邀请您加入在Hingaia地区地Park Green全新且令人兴奋的零售开发项目

2 月 2024



1 月 2024


邀请你加入Park Green全新的商业项目 – 2024年底完工

1 月 2024


开放日那天我们很高兴看到了很多Park Green的居民,还有许多从附近社区来的朋友们,加上我们的合作建商。

12 月 2023

Neighbourhood Centre Lease Opportunity社区中心商铺出租

Join the brand new and exciting retail development at the picturesque Park Green, Hingaia – available from late 2024.The Park Green Neighbourhood Centre is in the heart of Hingaia community which is expected to service a population of over 13,000 in the future.

11 月 2023

Park Green 开放日- 2023年11月25日

Join us for a day of fun, discovery, and community at the Park Green. Set for Saturday, November 25th, 2023, this event promises to be an exceptional opportunity for you and your family to come and discover everything that Park Green has to offer.

10 月 2023

Exciting Spring/Summer 2023 activities 春夏活动推荐

Spring has arrived, the weather is changing, and the days are getting longer! It’s a great time to explore the local community and wider neighbourhood. Kirks Bush is a local forest park only 5 minutes’ drive from Park Green.

9 月 2023

通往Karaka Lake 小区的道路即将完工

Fletcher Living 表示,Ngakoro 路扩建工程已接近完成,预计将于 2023 年 10 月上旬开始(仅限车辆)通行。

8 月 2023

Coastal Café 海边咖啡馆正在兴建中

Construction work is in full swing at the new Coastal Café on Evergreen Parade. Works are progressing swiftly; site excavations have been completed, and the concrete slab foundations have been poured.

7 月 2023

Park Estate Road 大桥胜利竣工

Construction of the new Park Estate Road bridge began in April 2021 with a longer, wider and slightly higher bridge being built to cater for both the current and future needs of motorway users passing under it and also the needs of local motorists, pedestrians and cyclists travelling over it. The bridge needed to be built in two halves to maintain continuous access to the western end of the ‘no-exit’ road and the old bridge was demolished in May 2022.

10 月 2022


Here is an opportunity for a café operator to occupy a brand new and trendy coastal site that is one of a kind near Karaka, Auckland. Call Now to secure this lease.

8 月 2022

PC 67 (Private): Hingaia 1 Precinct 67号土地转性申请完成

On 12 August 2022, Auckland Council declared Plan Change 67 “Operative”. The plan change has rezoned land within Park Green by amending the provisions of the Hingaia 1 Precinct.

7 月 2022


As Auckland continues its expansion, nearby to Park Green, plans by some of New Zealand’s biggest developers to rezone 330 hectares of land in Drury from future urban to a mix of residential, business and open space zones, have recently been given the green light.

5 月 2022

Ngakoro 路的延伸段将于2023年完成

The planned Ngakoro Road Extension in 2023 will provide residents of Park Green with direct access via Karaka North.

11 月 2021

在Park Green园区的步道上欣赏野生鸟儿

Local bird watchers have identified Park Green walkways as an ideal location for a birdwatching stroll and a listen. We caught up recently with Jim Kirker, regular contributor to New Zealand Bird Atlas. Jim spent an afternoon in early November 2021 at Park Green and had the following observations to make

5 月 2021

南区高速公路Papakura 至 Drury South 路段工程开启

Construction has begun on the first stage of the SH1 Papakura to Drury South project following the award of a contract to widen the Southern Motorway between Papakura to Drury. Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has announced Fulton Hogan as its construction contractor.

5 月 2021

Park Green 的新小学

Construction of the new primary school at Park Green by the Ministry of Education has begun. Once completed, it is expected that the new school will be a great amenity to Park Green and its residents.

11 月 2020


Park Green is providing an early opportunity for homeowners to position themselves at the Auckland City end of the future growth area to the south of Auckland. The southern growth area is forecast to comprise 45 per cent of future urban areas in Auckland over the next 30 years.

11 月 2020

Park Green 尝试建立街景的行业新标杆

At Park Green the materials for the street spaces have been selected to provide a high visual quality and sense of identity. Their layout will provide a visual hierarchy providing users assistance as to where best to be.



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